Saturday 27 July 2013

Most Amazing and Dangerous Bike Stunts by Riders

Stunt Dirt Bike is a fun flash game where you choose between different vehicles to traverse through various obstacles. Motorcycle stunt riding is a growing sport in the United Kingdom and the United States. However, United States law prohibits “stunting” motorcycles on public roadstead and it can even get you in jail quickly. Perhaps the most widely known sport bike motorcycle stunt is the “wheelie”. It is a trick where the front wheel or wheels come off the ground and the vehicle is balanced on the rear wheel or wheels. Handstand, the Endo, the Stoppie, 12 O’ Clock Wheelie, Circle Wheelie and Combo Wheelie are other most Popular Bike Stunts.


  1. I m so happy bcz My IT student is more creative to other... My student is Perfect & Talented..
